
Events & News

Homecoming Sunday & Ministry Fair
On Sunday, September 8, we will celebrate Homecoming Sunday: the start of our program year. After worship, join us throughout the church for a picnic celebration, a bouncy house for the children, and the return of the Ministry Fair. Have you ever wondered if you could be an acolyte or lead Godly Play (you can!)? Or asked "What exactly does the Altar Guild do?" Or have you thought to yourself, "I would make a superlative usher!"? The Ministry Fair is your opportunity to connect with folks already involved in the ministries of the church, to ask them questions, and to sign up for service. Fun, food, and a new opportunity to get involved in the life of SPR! Questions? Reach out to Mark Bilyeu.

SPR Latin Dance Lesson
On Sunday, September 15, from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, join the Anti-Racism Working Group for a group Latin Dance Lesson to celebrate and learn about Hispanic Heritage Month! No sign-up required, just make your way to the parish hall for delicious empanadas and an opportunity to learn about a variety of Latin dances by practicing or spectating! For more information, contact Kimberly Martin.

Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation - September 14
Confirmation is a meaningful way to mark and celebrate your decision to live out the Christian faith in what Presiding Bishop Michael Curry calls “The Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement”. The Bishop of Chicago prays over you, blessing you and empowering you for service to God and your neighbor.

Reception in The Episcopal Church is similar to Confirmation and intentionally welcomes those who have been confirmed in a different Christian tradition.

Reaffirmation is for those who have returned from a time of religious inactivity to an active practice of faith or who have experienced a renewal of faith or desire to renew their Christian commitment.

If you are interested in registering for Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation, to take place at St. James Cathedral on September 14, or simply would like to learn more about these, contact the Rev. Wes Smedley or call the church office.

Anti-racism trainings at SPR, October 2 and October 3-5 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm each day
To help us live out/into our Anti-Racism Vision Statement, SPR will host the Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training one day workshop, Animating Antiracist Ways of Being on Wednesday, October 2. We will also host the three-day workshop, From White Supremacy Toward Liberation: Building Shared Analysis to Transform Institutions, Thursday-Saturday, October 3-5. The diocesan AntiRacism Commission provides a generous subsidy for admission; SPR provides the rest. There is also an opportunity to attend the one-day workshop, Animating Antiracist Ways of Being, online on Friday, September 6. Join other parishioners and attend! Contact Sara Bigger for more information and to get registered.

Livestream Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to help run the SPR livestream. This entails setting up the cameras before the 10:00 AM service, setting up the livestream itself on YouTube, and then taking the actual footage of the service. If you're interested in helping, email Patrick Jonker to learn more.

Summer Pick-Up Choir
The Summer Pick-Up Choir is officially underway, leading our worship while the formal Adult Choir, Choristers, and St. Nicholas Choirs take a summer hiatus. ALL are invited to meet in the choir loft at 9:15 AM on Sunday mornings. There, we will learn the hymns, psalm, and any additional music for our 10:00 AM service. There is no commitment beyond the Sunday you show up, there are no mid-week rehearsals, and we don’t even wear robes!

Donations for Cat Rescue Organization 
A cat rescue organization is in need of used, clean microwaveable containers (such as those from frozen mac n’ cheese) to help with feeding and care efforts. Please drop off your donations on Sundays in front of the Food Pantry closet. Thank you for your kindness and generosity!

Love in a Dish for the Adegoke Family
Please consider making a "Love in a Dish" for the Adegoke family as Tayo is home from the hospital and recovering. Sign up here: https://mealtrain.com/mowwwl 

Migrant Support Program
Our team is trying to meet the immediate pressing needs of new arrivals in Chicago. One major hurdle is they need work permits to get a job. These cost $470. Maureen Graves, a retired lawyer who is doing an incredible amount of work to meet the many needs of the new arrivals, has several women and men in need of the funds to pay for the work permits.

Our team will give her a $1,410 mini grant to cover the work permit fees for three migrants.

Save the dates: Saturday and Sunday, November 23 and 24 - Holiday Gift Fair

Last year’s well-received gift fair provided $3,000 for the Migrant Support Program contingency fund, thanks to SPR volunteers and SPR members who donated many of the items for the sale. If you have any items in new or very good condition to donate, such as artwork, ceramics, tableware, or china, you can drop them off from October 6 to November 17.

You can also make a financial contribution to the SPR Migrant Support Program by check or online with the memo: ‘Migrant Program’.

Save the Date: Fall Women's Retreat - Be Still and Know …
Register now for the 2024 SPR women’s retreat from October 26-27 at the Loyola University Retreat & Ecology Center in Woodstock, Illinois. Our theme is “Be Still and Know …” Registration can be done online at https://tinyurl.com/sprwr24 or by using the forms found in the Narthex. Registrations are due September 9. Scholarships are available for Saturday night stays. Take some time to enjoy worship, learning, art, nature, and getting to know other women from SPR!

Building & Grounds Volunteers
The radical hospitality offered in our space depends on 15+ volunteer hours each week. The vestry invites parishioners to volunteer on occasion to care for our communal space. Opportunities include sweeping floors, setting up tables for Coffee Hour, and taking out the trash. Details and sign-up form here and in the narthex.